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Below you will find information about plants and products to help you succeed with your gardening projects.
New at the Garden Center – Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
Diatoms are predominately single-celled phytoplankton found in the oceans, fresh water, almost anywhere that water is found. Pound for pound, they outweigh all other land plants put together. They form a vital aspect at the base of the food chain. Their skeletal remains can be found in almost all of the sedimentary rock deposits around the world, dating back to the time of the dinosaurs. Diatoms are formed by pulling minerals out of solution. They build a protective outer shell of Silicon Dioxide. The shells are full of holes, valves, and can be quite ornate. As these organisms die, they slowly sink to the bottom to form rock deposits. Diatom deposits have been found to be several hundred feet thick in places.
Mole Damage
As winter passes and we march toward spring, the snow quickly melts from our landscape. And what to our surprise are all these miniature pathways that appear in our lawn? It looks like a racetrack! Have little elves spent the winter tunneling beneath the surface? Well no, we have moles.
Moles are small mammals up to 6 inches in length. They have cylindrical bodies, a long pointed snout, small rear appendages, large, strong front paws just made for digging, little eyes (just used to detect light and darkness), and a short stout tail (used to detect obstacles when backing through a tunnel).
Using Natural Guard’s Humic Acid in the Lawn or Garden
You have heard us shout about the benefits of adding Natural Guard HuMic (formerly known as “Soil Activator”) to your lawn fertilizer program. HuMic contains a naturally mined mineral called leonardite that amends the soil and enhances the benefits of any fertilizer applications.