Help a Family and Give Them the Best Christmas Ever!

BCE Best Christmas Ever Charity

One of the things that makes the new Brighton community so unique is its giving nature, the steadfast belief in helping out our neighbors. This holiday season we have partnered with the Best Christmas Ever Charity (BCE) to help out a fellow neighbor. The BCE serves families who have fallen upon tough times, through no fault of their own. They partner with local leaders and businesses to bless each BCE family with a custom & unique Best Christmas Ever, tailored to the family situation.

So here’s the jest of it. We have a Christmas Tree set up just inside our front door of the store. Gift tags adorn the tree with gifting ideas on them. You just grab an idea, shop local stores, online, or purchase the item within our store. When you have an item, just return the unwrapped gift to us for collection. On December 16th,  the Best Christmas Ever elves will stop in to collect the items and delivery to the family will occur on December 19th…giving them a little brightness to what could be grim holiday.

So come on New Brighton, we know we can do this!!